Medics claim morning-after pill is as safe as painkillers

Medics and abortion giants are attempting to make the morning-after pill as easy to purchase as paracetamol.

Currently, women can only obtain the pill after consulting with a pharmacist. But several organisations, including the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), want to downgrade it to the same category as painkillers to make it available off the shelf.

The morning-after pill can cause early-stage abortions and encourages reckless sexual behaviour.

Human life

If a woman takes the pill after fertilisation has occurred, it can destroy a life that has already begun by preventing the embryo from implanting in the womb.

But Georgina O’Reilly, Associate Director of Communications and Campaigns at abortion giant BPAS, claimed the pill is “considerably safer than many other products on the shelf”.

She added: “Of course it’s not the same as taking a paracetamol, because the consequences if it’s not taken are so much more significant than an ongoing headache.”


In 2022, the Chair of the Women and Equalities Committee backed a ‘Deliveroo-style’ morning-after pill delivery service.

Caroline Nokes MP said she would like to see services like The Lowdown’s bike delivery “commissioned by the NHS”.

The service replaced the requirement to speak to a medical professional with a short online questionnaire.

To learn more about the morning-after pill and biblical teaching on abortion, download our briefing.

The morning-after pill

The morning-after pill

Uncovering the truth

In this comprehensive but plain-speaking book John Ling sets out how the morning-after pill works and its wider social effects. Taking in evidence from science to philosophy, and from God’s law to British law, he argues that the morning-after pill demands a powerful Christian response.

When does human life begin?

When does human life begin?

Christian thinking and contemporary opposition

John R Ling

When does human life begin? It is a fundamental and decisive question because your answer reveals your understanding of the nature and status of the human embryo. It also shapes your stance on the big bioethical issues of the day such as abortion, cloning and embryonic stem cell research. There are many voices sowing confusion, but the Bible is unmistakably clear that human life begins at conception. In this booklet, John Ling provides a wide-ranging explanation of biblical truth, the historical Christian perspective and evidence from modern science to support this position.

Also see:

Abortions figures up again

Jacob Rees-Mogg is right – the morning-after pill can cause abortions

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