Citizens Advice ‘promoting gender ideology as policy’

Citizens Advice has been accused by its own staff of promoting gender ideology instead of prioritising helping its clients.

An insider told The Daily Telegraph that the organisation is pushing controvesial gender policies on staff.

Chief Executive Dame Clare Moriarty reportedly told staff that they should not “assume someone’s gender based on their appearance”.

Contentious resources

In one internal memo seen by The Telegraph, Dame Clare said staff should help “normalise sharing pronouns by sharing yours”.

She directed them to a “pronouns resource” which included “Ze/Zir/Zirs” or “Ey/Em/Eirs” as examples of pronouns people might use. The source said pronouns are an “extension of your name” and that getting them wrong is considered “misgendering”.

In another memo, the charity said: “as an organisation, we recognise that trans women are women, trans men are men and non-binary people are non-binary”.

Staff also received extensive guidance on transitioning at work and were encouraged to seek advice from contentious charities including Mermaids and Gendered Intelligence if they had questions about gender.

‘Ideological instruction’

An adviser at the charity told The Telegraph: “I know many who are deeply unhappy with this kind of ideological instruction, especially at a time of economic crisis for our clients, which is what ought to be the priority for Citizens Advice.”

A Citizen Advice staff member said: “It feels as if there is pressure from the top for volunteers and staff to promote this ideology at all times: to add pronouns to your email, wear pronoun badges and the like.”

Also see:


Stonewall: ‘Give staff different emails for different gender identities’

Stonewall: ‘Two-year-olds can recognise their trans identity’

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