Stonewall: ‘Two-year-olds can recognise their trans identity’

Toddlers know when they’re transgender, according to controversial lobby group Stonewall.

Commenting on a news story entitled ‘My 4-year-old is gender nonconforming – but her nursery doesn’t respect that’, Stonewall advocated the teaching of transgender ideology to children as young as two.

In response to criticism, the radical LGBT organisation merely went on to say that nursery age children need to develop “without having adults’ ideas imposed upon them”.

‘Adults’ ideas’

On Friday, Stonewall tweeted: “Research suggests that children as young as 2 recognise their trans identity. Yet, many nurseries and schools teach a binary understanding of pre-assigned gender.

“LGBTQ-inclusive and affirming education is crucial for the wellbeing of all young people!”

Seeking to justify its message, Stonewall later said: “We believe that young children should be able to play, explore and learn about who they are, and the world around them, without having adults’ ideas imposed upon them”.

Biological reality

Responding to Stonewall’s subsequent statement on its approach to “inclusive education”, parent group Transgender Trend said: “You now say children should not have adults’ ideas imposed on them. We agree. Children should be taught facts about biological sex, not adult ideas about gender identity, presented as fact.”

Labour MP Feryal Clark said that she hoped her two-year-old was being taught at nursery how “to use a potty, eat loads, nap loads” and “not bite”, rather than this ‘gender ID nonsense’.

Also see:

CI: ‘Ofsted should check schools comply with the actual law, not Stonewall Law’

MP: Stonewall and Mermaids spreading false information in schools’

Schools, Police and NHS have all received ‘trans training’ from controversial group Mermaids

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