‘I wouldn’t change my happy little girl’, says mum who ignored abortion advice

A 14-month-old girl in America is alive and thriving after her mother ignored doctors’ advice to have her aborted.

An ultrasound at 20 weeks revealed that Katie White’s unborn baby had a build-up of fluid on the brain.

Children with the condition – hydrocephalus – can have mobility and behavioural problems and may be aborted legally up to birth in the UK.

Advised to abort

White’s doctor predicted that because of the condition it was unlikely the baby would ever be able to walk, talk or even eat.

She said medics immediately tried to get her to contact family planning and arrange to abort the baby.

But she ignored them and continued with the pregnancy saying: “My daughter would not be here today if I had taken that advice.”

Exceeded expectations

After Kensley was born, doctors operated to drain the fluid in her brain and later fitted a device to control the excess liquid.

An MRI scan four months later revealed that her brain growth had exceeded all expectations.

Her mother said: “She hasn’t ever had a seizure, she eats by mouth and can see”.

“She is so full of character and is my little angel I wouldn’t change her for the world”.

Also see:

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