New film celebrates a true story of adoption over abortion

A film based on a true story of hope and reconciliation through adoption premiered in the US earlier this month.

‘Lifemark’ tells the story of David Scotton, who was adopted as a baby after his teenage mother decided at the last minute not to have him aborted.

It is a cinematic retelling of David and his birth mother Melissa Coles’ story, which first appeared in the 2018 documentary ‘I Lived on Parker Avenue’.


Inspired by their story, Christian actor and producer Kirk Cameron teamed up with producers of the Christian films ‘Courageous’ and ‘Facing Giants’, the Kendrick Brothers, to turn it into a feature film.

Stephen Kendrick told LifeSiteNews that the film “doesn’t just present the perspective of a frightened teenage mom, but it also shows the teenage dad, the life of the child that grows up, and the perspective of the adoptive parents”.

Adoption is a very personal matter for the Kendricks and for Cameron. Stephen Kendrick has adopted a daughter, while Cameron’s wife, Chelsea, and four of their six children were adopted.

‘Adoption option’

David hopes the film will give their story greater exposure and is excited that God is using it to continue to share the message that adoption is better than abortion.

He said: “I’m here because my birth mother left an abortion clinic and chose life” and added, “I’m here because of adoption.”

Melissa Coles’ message to expectant mothers is that “they are not alone, there is hope, there is resources available”. She urged mothers to “please consider the adoption option.”

Also see:

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