Church of Scotland warns Western Isles Council over sex education

A Church of Scotland presbytery has warned the Western Isles Council that the teaching of new sex education will “confuse and prematurely sexualise young minds”.

The Lewis presbytery fears that pupils will face intimidation if they “fail to embrace an ideology that goes against their conscience, morality or faith”.

Its letter also added that parents are “gravely concerned” at the materials being used.


The Church of Scotland’s local education committee representative, Revd Hugh Stewart, argued that the “best solution” would be for the council to make its own policy to reflect the “unique cultural, social, linguistic and religious richness” of the Isles.

He added that such a move could eliminate “the concerns of parents and teachers”.

A spokesman for the Council said that the letter “will be considered along with all other representations” as it continues its consultation process.

Warwickshire Council

In England earlier this year, Warwickshire Council ditched an explicit and error-strewn sex-education policy following a legal threat from The Christian Institute.

The ‘All About Me’ lesson materials encouraged masturbation and included “gratuitously graphic” sexual images.

However, they made no reference to marriage, contrary to national requirements and despite the lessons concerned not being classed as sex education.

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