Welsh councillors overwhelmingly oppose smacking ban

A survey of Welsh councillors has revealed huge opposition to a smacking ban.

Covering more than 200 councillors across the political spectrum, it revealed that more than 7 in 10 opposed a ban, and 9 in 10 said councils would not have the resources to cope with one.

Campaign group Be Reasonable, which conducted the survey, said the results showed the Welsh Assembly was “out of touch” with those it expected to implement its legislation.

‘Out of touch’

Opposition was consistent across party lines, with a majority of councillors who responded from each of the main parties saying parents should continue to be allowed to use reasonable chastisement.

Jamie Gillies, Spokesman for Be Reasonable, said: “We have long known the Welsh Government is out of touch with the public on this issue.”

He added: “Many councillors seem aghast at the prospect of a smacking ban which would tie up social workers, deplete local authority resources and affect services for years to come”.

Strong opposition

Earlier this year, hundreds responded to the official consultation by the Children, Young People and Education Committee, which confirmed the general public’s strong opposition to criminalising smacking in Wales.

60 per cent said they did not support a proposed Bill to ban smacking. Among responses from individuals, the figure was even higher – at 67.8 per cent.