Shropshire County Council has withdrawn its controversial guidance on transgenderism for schools and colleges and is asking them to stop using the advice.
The document, ‘Guidance for schools and colleges on transgender and supporting transgender pupils’, said that pupils should have the “right” to use the toilets which match their so-called gender identity, and should be allowed to access the changing rooms of the opposite sex.
Campaign group Safe Schools Alliance UK welcomed the news, saying: “It is a great example of what can be achieved when parents come together.”
Earlier this month, Oxfordshire Council also withdrew controversial guidance on transgenderism amid pressure from parents and an impending court case.
Oxfordshire’s ‘Trans Inclusion Toolkit for Schools 2019’ said that boys who claim to be girls should be allowed to share female toilets, changing rooms and overnight accommodation on school trips, and that the view that there are only two genders is ‘transphobic bullying’.
It was announced last month that a judicial review of its policy would be heard at the High Court, but the council has since backed down.
Christian Institute
At the end of March lawyers representing Warwickshire County Council told The Christian Institute that it was dropping its explicit and misleading All About Me programme.
The Institute had warned of possible legal action if the controversial materials were not withdrawn.

Warwickshire council axes more controversial trans guidance
Equalities Minister blasts unapproved LGBT guidance for schools