Shoplifter returns records after becoming a Christian

An anonymous music fan has returned records stolen ten years ago, because the reformed thief has become a Christian.

The manager of Out On The Floor Records in Camden Town said the shop had received a handwritten apology – and now hoped for more stolen music to be returned.

Jake Travis said a colleague opened up a package which included a note explaining the change in heart.


It said: “When I was a teenager I pinched a few records from you – about 10 years ago”.

“I became a Christian not too long ago and wanted you to have these records – hope you can put them to good use. Sorry, with regards”.

Travis said: “It was a nice surprise to see some good vinyl returned.”

Nice gesture

The shop manager commented: “The person who sent in the parcel had shoplifted from our ground floor and in the shop we have in the basement.

“We looked at the letter and looked through the tunes and they didn’t nick any old rubbish.”

Remarking that it was a nice gesture, he commented: “Now I’d like some of the reggae I’ve had stolen down the years to come back.”


Last year a singer songwriter spoke of the transforming power of Christ after a long battle with drugs and alcohol addiction.

Steph Macleod had been trapped in a cycle of addiction and spent time sleeping rough on the streets.

But his life was turned around after he became a Christian and now he has a travelling ministry.