Govt sex ed plans ‘undermine parents’, say Peers

The Government’s Relationships and Sex Education plans undermine parents and must not ‘indoctrinate’ children, say Peers.

The warnings were raised yesterday during a House of Lord’s debate in which several members spoke out in support of parents.

The House of Lords followed the House of Commons in passing the regulations.

Undermining parents

The plans to teach children as young as five about homosexuality and transgenderism met with criticism from some members in the chamber.

During the debate, Lord Curry emphasised that “the responsibility for children’s moral and religious education lies first and foremost with parents”.

He added: “That is not a role that the state should be taking to itself. We in this place should not be cutting across or undermining the influence of parents.”

The Peer also voiced concerns about the ability of teachers with faith convictions to express their own views.

‘Serious concerns’

Former Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern highlighted Article 2 of the first protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, whereby the Government has a duty to ensure that teaching does not disregard the convictions of parents.

Quoting a judgment from the European Court of Human Rights, he said: “The State is forbidden to pursue an aim of indoctrination that might be considered as not respecting parents’ religious and philosophical convictions. That is the limit that must not be exceeded”.

Lord Morrow urged the Government to do “all they can to empower parents”, rather than undermine their authority and responsibility over their children.

Lord Hodgson, a member of the Committee scrutinising the regulations, highlighted the unprecedented level of correspondence it had received, with over 400 people expressing “serious concerns”.

Widespread opposition

Last month, a Government consultation showed widespread opposition to the plans.

More than 11,000 people responded, with 58 per cent saying the proposed content for Relationships Education in primary schools was not “age-appropriate”.

Even more, 64 per cent, said the same about Relationships and Sex Education in secondary schools.

Ignore objections

Education Secretary Damian Hinds pushed ahead with the plans, ignoring the large number of objections.

The new guidelines are set to come into force from September 2020.