David Cameron reaffirms assisted suicide opposition

David Cameron does not support a move towards euthanasia, his official spokeswoman has said, as MPs prepare to vote on assisted suicide.

On Friday the House of Commons will consider a Bill which would allow patients who are thought to have less than six months to live to obtain lethal drugs to kill themselves.

Opponents of the assisted suicide Bill have set up the website notoassistedsuicide.org.uk to enable people to contact their MP ahead of the vote.

Clear views

David Cameron has previously spoken out against assisted suicide, and today his official spokeswoman reiterated his position.

“The PM’s views are clear on this issue. He is not convinced further steps need to be taken and he is not in favour of an approach that would take us closer to euthanasia.”

Earlier this week Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson urged MPs to “understand the significance of the proposed change in the law.

“It would be a seismic shift in the way we choose to care for people at their most vulnerable”, she said.

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