Revealed: Named persons will get just one day of training

Head teachers, health workers and other named persons will get only one day of training to learn how to carry out their role.

The news was revealed as the scale of opposition to the new, watered-down Named Person legislation was made clear.

The No to Named Persons (NO2NP) campaign described the single day’s training as a “token gesture” that would fail to build confidence among anxious parents.

Watered down

Following a legal challenge spearheaded by The Christian Institute that concluded in the UK Supreme Court, Scottish ministers drastically watered down their Named Person proposals in a new Bill.

But lawyers, experts on child law and others have warned that the new plans fail to address the judges’ concerns.

An official document from the Scottish Parliament on the new legislation states: “One day’s training will be provided for those who will be in the named person’s role.”

It also says the total cost of the training will be £1.2 million.

More complex

But NO2NP asked how the Government could consider a single day to be sufficient training.

“How is this token gesture of one day’s training meant to build confidence for all the families and practitioners who are so anxious about the Named Person scheme?”

The spokesman added that the information sharing law is “complex” and yet the Government’s proposals “make it more complex still”.

Noting that years of incorrect training will need to be corrected following the Supreme Court ruling, the campaign group asked, “the Scottish Government think one day’s training will do it?”

Nurses join criticism

The official Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) document said that 46 submissions on the new Bill had been received by MSPs.

“These reflected a general concern about the complexity of the decisions staff would be required to make”, it noted, adding: “The general view of the code of practice was that it needs to be written in much clearer language and include practice examples”.

Among the latest critics are the Royal College of Nursing in Scotland which called for the Bill to be scrapped, and the leader of two Scottish schools who said the requirements placed on professionals would be “unworkable”.

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