Iain Duncan Smith pushing for marriage tax break

A tax break for married couples – which was promised in the Tory manifesto – should be introduced as soon as possible, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has said.

Mr Smith said next year’s budget should bring in the tax relief to show the Coalition is pro-marriage.

David Cameron has pledged to introduce the break by 2015, but there are concerns the plans will be dropped altogether if they are not brought in soon.


Meanwhile, the Government are pressing ahead with plans to redefine marriage, despite the issue not being promised in the Conservative Party manifesto.

The Prime Minister wanted to bring in tax breaks for married couples because it would encourage couples to stay together and produce greater stability for children.

Recently the Bishop of Chester has also called for the Government to implement its tax plans in a debate in the House of Lords.


Bishop Foster said recognition for marriage in the tax system would send a powerful message to society.

He said “good marriages are not just a benefit for the couple themselves, and their children, but serve to strengthen the wider society of which they are a part.”

The marriage tax break is strongly opposed by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who claims it is wrong to favour married people over those who cohabit.