‘I knew I could give them a gift’, says mum who chose adoption

A US mother has shared the remarkable story of how she chose adoption over abortion.

Michelle was pressurised to have an abortion by the father of the baby, who ultimately left her because she chose life.

She received help from her local medical clinic, True Care Women’s Resource Center, which she says helped her understand the damaging effects of abortion.


Michelle said: “They determined the due date with ultrasound, helped me make my decision, and gave me support and resources.

“All my questions were answered, and everyone was very nurturing, compassionate, and non-judgmental.”

Michelle was also given information on the wider impact of abortion, something she does not think would have happened elsewhere.

“Abortion clinics will not educate any woman on the side-effects; it’s a lot more than a termination of pregnancy”, she said.


After meeting with an adoption agency, Michelle chose a couple who “had tried for years to have a baby”.

“I wanted my child to have a mom and a dad”, she said, adding: “I knew I could give them a gift”.

After giving birth earlier this year, Michelle has received several pictures of her son from the adoptive parents.

It is an open adoption, which means that she will be able to keep in contact with her son as he grows.


The news comes after a report released earlier this year revealed a significant drop in the US abortion rate in the past decade.

Research carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the abortion rate for 2013 was 12.5 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 years.

From 2004, this represents a 21 per cent decrease in the rate of reported abortions.

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