News Release
The last chance to say “Stop the sex shop”
Jack Frere from Xsensual Limited wants the Cardiff Arena to be turned into a three day sex shop. The Christian Institute is reminding people today that they have until next Thursday 28th September 2000 to put in an objection to the Council.
As part of its campaign, a special website (at has been launched to provide tips on how to write a letter of objection to Cardiff County Council.
Colin Hart, Director of the Institute, said today:
“Many people feel sickened that a prestigious international venue such as the CIA is to hold an indoor sex market with stalls selling pornographic magazines and restricted 18 videos. Strip shows and lap dancing are also to be laid on.
I am delighted that Jenny Randerson AM has already spoken out. If Cardiff give the go-ahead to this they will be showing shocking contempt for family values.
Anyone who objects to turning the Cardiff Arena into a three day sex shop should write to : Mr Malcolm Evans, Head of Regulatory Services, Licensing Section, Cardiff County Council, Wood Street, CARDIFF, CF10 1NQ. It is important to make sure that the letter arrives on Thursday 28th September at the latest. It is very simple really. Further tips are available on our website.”
“I hope that the show gets the same reaction in Cardiff that it got in Newcastle.
Tyne Tees Television quoted the organiser as saying the event had been a “spectacular failure” with losses of “more than £200,000”. One Newcastle paper said it “proved a big turn-off with North East punters” and described the event as a “damp squib”. Another paper said Geordies ?stayed away in droves”. Event organiser, Jack Frere, is so upset that he has threatened to sue us.”