The Christian Institute

News Release

Living Christianity: “Superb” Bible study series from The Christian Institute goes on sale

An exciting new study series from The Christian Institute has gone on sale.

The five-part Living Christianity course examines the implications of what it means to live as a Christian in today’s world.

DVDs and study materials are available now from and online versions are on sale at The course is suitable to use one-to-one, or in church and home study groups.

The series is fronted by prolific writer Dr Chris Sinkinson who also lectures in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics at Moorlands College.

Additional contributions come throughout the series from the Director of UCCF, Richard Cunningham, Christian conference speaker Caz Dodds, Rev Pete Nicholas, a pastor at Inspire Saint James, Clerkenwell and the evangelist Michael Ots.

Filmed on location in London, Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh the visuals are stunning. But it is the weighty, yet accessible Bible analysis and engaging study materials that combine to provide a compelling biblical worldview. The message ‘saved for good works’ rings loud and clear throughout.

Richard Cunningham says the key purpose of the series “is to equip the Church, to help its young people, its students, all of us taking our place in wider society, to live the whole of life for God and to his glory”.

It comes with a resounding endorsement from William Philip, Senior Minister of the Tron Church Glasgow and former Director of Ministry at the Proclamation Trust. He calls it “a superb resource for churches serious about making not just converts, but real disciples who shine as lights in a dark world”.

The Christian Institute’s Ciarán Kelly, one of the team behind Living Christianity, said the series celebrates the truth that following Christ transforms all aspects of the believer’s life.

“The course is about having a biblical worldview for everything we do. There isn’t a separation between our ‘Christian life’ and the rest of our life.

“The Bible guides believers to seek a healthy church life, to spread the good news, and directs us to live faithfully in everything we do. If we want to be faithful and effective Christian citizens, if we are to truly love our neighbours, we need to pay attention to what it means to engage with wider society.

“Family, work, marriage, gender, the sanctity of human life, our responsibilities as citizens – these all affect society. Biblical understanding on these issues is increasingly being pushed out. Yet Jesus is Lord in all these areas and there is a pressing need for Christians to publicly engage with them. That includes working to protect and develop laws which reflect God’s values – for the good of all.

“Our prayer is that through the course, Christians become better equipped to live out lives of faith at all times and in all places.”


Notes for editors:

Living Christianity is published by The Christian Institute.

It is available from and

WATCH: The trailer is available here