
What Should Christians Think about Same-Sex Marriage?

I’m a pastor. My concern is with the church — what she believes, what she celebrates, and what she proclaims. Achieving some legal and political end is not my primary calling and yet, I’m concerned that many younger Christians — ironically, often those most attuned to societal transformation and social justice — do not see the connection between a traditional view of marriage and human flourishing.

All for the glory of God

As a young Christian believer I was stirred in my soul when I realised that our nation had turned its back on God. I wanted to glorify God in my life and assumed that ‘full-time Christian work’ was the best way to do it. I went to as many missionary conferences as I could, but in 1984 concluded that God wasn’t calling me to work for him in a church or as a missionary. So I became a teacher. In my own mind, this was a life on ‘Track B’.