Christian growth

1997 Autumn Lectures

1. Prayer

By Revd Trevor Archer

Prayer sustains and nourishes the Christian. It is a litmus test of our relationship with God. It is the means whereby we can bring all our anxieties and needs before the Lord. Failure in our prayer lives inevitably leads to weaknesses in other areas.

2. Personal discipline

By Revd David Searle

We all have routines of eating, sleeping, work and leisure, yet many Christians neglect personal discipline in their spiritual lives. Godly habits become the means that God uses to work His grace in our lives.

3. Suffering

By Revd John J Murray

Suffering is surely something that no Christian can escape, yet there is much confusion on this subject. The idea of a sovereign God allowing tragedies to occur is one that all Christians struggle with, but we know that it is often through suffering that our relationship with God is deepened.12 December 1997

4. Integrity

By Ernest McQuoid

The world is always trying to squeeze us into its mould. Before a watching world we are to live with integrity. This means applying God’s Word consistently to the circumstances of our lives.

5. Perseverance

By Revd Michael Wilcock

Christians are not immune from discouragement and frustration in their lives. In a society where people expect to be able to obtain everything instantly Christians must live with an eternal perspective, and thereby find the strength to persevere. They must ‘keep on keeping on’.