Public tributes to Colin

We have received hundreds of tributes to our late Director, Colin Hart. We are grateful for every one.

A very small number have been made public and are accessible below.


Mike Judge, Institute Trustee and Editor of Evangelical Times

My friend of 25 years, Colin Hart, died a week ago today. Even as I write those words, I’m still shocked and don’t quite believe it.

Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of Christian Concern

The legal, political and cultural landscape of the UK is different because of Colin Hart’s life. God has the story written and is welcoming him home. It is our loss.

The Association of Christian Teachers

it is likely that only now, as he starts his eternity in heaven, many will come to appreciate what this extraordinary man has quietly achieved in the name of Christ in the fiery furnaces of UK public policy.

Dr Sharon James, for Banner of Truth

He took a stand on unpopular issues when he saw that it was necessary to protect Gospel freedoms, family freedoms, and the common good.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die”. John 11:25-26



Read the full obituary

Institute announcement
Premier Christian News
Christian Post